process processDD changeDiskCaption buttonDoubleClick askFontInfo sortMyself updateDiskList buttonDoubleClick diskFromRec diskFromRec diskList diskFromRec Local directory(s) Non-local directory askFontInfo fileFromRec filename fontFromRec pDisk process Sorting - please wait... fontFromRec fresponse fresponse filefromrec diskfromrec A;sortAllFonts processDD allfonts dtcaption disklist pDiskID pDiskID dtcaption changeDiskCaption pDiskID dtcaption diskList updateDiskList fonts fonts sortMyself fonts fserver fonts pDiskID pDiskID dtcaption changeDiskCaption dtcaption pDiskID dtcaption diskList updateDiskList sortMyself vDiskList vTextlines svPtrMem svOriginalCap fServerID fTextSel fServer fText changeDiskCaption diskList getcurrentpath dsheader.fpd removeFile getcurrentpath dsheader.fpd dtcaption pDiskID getcurrentpath dsheader.fpd dtcaption getcurrentpath dsheader.fpd getcurrentpath dsheader.fpd dtcaption pDiskID dtcaption *saveDiskList vDiskList askFontInfo showModal fontinfo fname fresponse fontinfo pCall fresponse fresponse fCall fDefault fTopic sortMyself Adding fonts to FontPower - please wait... 4saveFontList j|globalFontList vCharCount tbglobalsorttext vCharcount vTextlines svPtrMem updateDiskList diskList dtcaption *saveDiskList dtcaption pDiskID getcurrentpath dsheader.fpd removeFile getcurrentpath dsheader.fpd getcurrentpath dsheader.fpd dtcaption getcurrentpath dsheader.fpd getcurrentpath dsheader.fpd vFreeDisk vDiskList svOriginalCap Enter killLibrary wm_lbuttondown buttondown scrollSelect buttonstilldown buttonUp mouseEnter keyDown killLibrary getLibraryFile removeFile fLibrary scrollSelect mouseEnter regdb phelp pHelp wm_lbuttondown svtarget reader pserverAware textfrompoint -1,-1 svselected pServerID vMouse svSelected svTarget svWinProc buttondown pserverAware textfrompoint textfrompoint textfrompoint textfrompoint textfrompoint textfrompoint i:by1 i:to1 vStep vStartItem vTextLine svWinProc svSelected svbLoc svIsSel svOldTarget buttonstilldown svbLoc svSelected svTarget svWinProc buttonUp svtarget pDragAware processDD default vMouse vText svIsSel svTarget svSelected svWinProc keyDown author Q`FontPowerHelp !@#$%^&*()_-+=|\{[}]:;'?/>.<",~` svAuthor DoubleClick updateList lameUpdateList updateDrive buttonDoubleClick reconstructGroup buttonDoubleClick drives setCurrentDirectory xlameUpdateList updateList updateDrive vActText updateList setCurrentDirectory xlameUpdateList lameUpdateList getDriveList getDirectoryList Fonts dtcaption getcurrentpath tbsortText drives drives vList drives *.PFM getFileList *.TTF getFileList getFileList vPFMFileList vTTFfilelist reconstructGroup vTTFfileList vPFMfileList vDirList vlist updateDrive setCurrentDrive xlameUpdateList fDrive reconstructGroup dsheader.fpd fileexists getCurrentPath getDriveNum getDriveType dsheader.fpd dsheader.fpd dtcaption pdiskID dsheader.fpd dtcaption dtcaption dsheader.fpd diskList dtcaption pdiskID getFreeDisk dtcaption pdiskID libNum getFreeDisk dtcaption pDiskID libNum dtcaption getCurrentPath getCurrentPath getDriveNum getDriveType libNum dtcaption pDiskID dtcaption getCurrentPath dtcaption Untitled Disk FontPower is reading the names of your fonts - please wait... getCurrentPath massagepathname online massagepathname getCurrentPath massagepathname onlinepfm massagepathname getCurrentPath massagepathname onlinettf massagepathname onlinepfm massagepathname *.PFM getFileList dtcaption pDiskID onlinepfm massagepathname dtcaption (Local) onlinettf massagepathname *.TT? getFileList *.PFM getFileList *.TTF getFileList getFileList There are more fonts in this directory(s) than FontPower can handle. Please move some fonts elsewhere, then try again. FontPower messageBox An error occured while reading your fonts. popthermometer Fonts fonts showThermometer Reading Fonts... popthermometer fonts There are no usable fonts in this directory. getCurrentPath massagePathname onlinepfm setCurrentPath onlinepfm massagePathname setThermometer getATMFontName getCurrentPath onlinettf setCurrentPath onlinettf setThermometer massagePathname ~FOPT031.TMP createScalableFontResource massagePathname ~FOPT031.TMP getFOTtag massagePathname ~FOPT031.TMP removeFile vfonts vfonts AllFonts Constructing Font List... fonts tbglobalsorttext Fonts popThermometer fonts eatclicks default vCharcount vFontName vTherm vLocal vTTFFileList vPFMFileList vPath vDirect vRealCaption vDiskList vCaption libnum vFonts vOffset vTextlines svPtrMem svOriginalCap getCurrentPath massagePathname retVal fPath gD|D| gD|D| houdini System gD|D| FontPower System gD|D| :PRINTLAYOUT Arial pAboutInit ntPower MS Sans Serif gD|D| pAboutInit MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif ,s48,FontPower Version 1.0 This copy of FontPower is registered to: static reg,s49,Absolutely Nobody Nobody Knows, Inc. ,s50, 1992 Lightning Systems ,b51,TRUE ntPower 130,FontPower Version 1.0 This copy of FontPower is registered to:,0,reg,52.08,51.49,82.32,22.11,49,1342177280,130,Absolutely Nobody Nobody Knows,0,,20.50,76.59,87.73,11.45,50,1342177280,130, 1992 Lightning Systems,0,,61.60,92.68,50.86,12.31,51,1342242816,128,Ok,0 ,b51,TRUE FontPower false Sans Serif pHelp Help - this is where you receive quick help on screen elements easteregg FontPower was developed by: Martin Knowles Walter Knowles Matthew Lang Lorelette Knowles FontPower was developed by: Martin Knowles Walter Knowles Matthew Lang Lorelette Knowles regdb 1993 Lightning Systems Manager by Martin Knowles 1.0a (Unregistered) rtin Knowles Lightning Systems by Martin Knowles FontPower is Shareware. You can try out FontPower for up to 90 days. If you like it and want to continue using it, you must register your copy of FontPower by sending a check for $20 to: Martin Knowles 11020 NE 64th St Kirkland, WA 98033 See the help system for more information..............on of FontPower (with no shareware messages!), discounted upgrades and printed documentation. See FPOWER.WRI and the help system for more information........ buttonUp buttonUp name Disk Add Disk Copy disk to local New Group Save Group name Group cover name Disk Add Disk Copy disk to local New Group Save Group name Group cover fplogo :PHYSSIZE FontPower version 1.0au (unregistered) 1993 Lightning Systems groupman B.CnC CjDrIFSHZL^ pSortableFields AllFonts,ClientFonts activate processDD buttonDoubleClick processDD Caption [Current Group] ClientFonts Caption 9bactivate fserver [Current Group] 9bactivate getlibrarycontent Caption [Current Group] 9bactivate pAssoc pText fServerID fTextSel fServer fText buttonDoubleClick acaption 9bactivate fserver [Current Group] 9bactivate getlibrarycontent Caption [Current Group] 9bactivate pAssoc pText fServerID fTextSel fServer fText buttonDoubleClick acaption pDragAware pHelp Replace - drag items here to replace existing fonts; double-click to change processDD buttonDoubleClick processDD Caption [Current Group] ClientFonts Caption 9bactivate fserver [Current Group] 9bactivate getlibrarycontent Caption [Current Group] 9bactivate pAssoc pText fServerID fTextSel fServer fText buttonDoubleClick acaption Replace ption 9bactivate fserver [Current Group] 9bactivate getlibrarycontent Caption [Current Group] 9bactivate pAssoc pText fServerID fTextSel fServer fText buttonDoubleClick acaption Replace pDragAware pHelp Add - drag items here to add them to the existing fonts; double-click to change AllFonts processDD processDD [Current Group] caption clientfonts complexCurrentGroup ClientFonts clientfonts clientfonts TBSortText clientfonts caption clientfonts clientfonts Clientfonts fontFromRec i:to1 vText fServerID fTextSel fServer fText processDD processDD [Current Group] caption clientfonts complexCurrentGroup ClientFonts clientfonts clientfonts TBSortText clientfonts caption clientfonts clientfonts Clientfonts fontFromRec i:to1 vText fServerID fTextSel fServer fText pDragAware pHelp All Fonts - drag items to the group window to add them to the current group pdraggable pServerAware pServerID acaption Addlacee diskcaption buttondoubleclick buttondoubleclick o xlameUpdateList drives showModal doubleclick o xlameUpdateList drives showModal pHelp Path - double-click to change target pathname a:\transfer GroupHeading pHelp Groups - this is all the groups that can be activated, double-click for current group Groups BlackHole pDragAware pHelp Black Hole - drag items here to remove them FontCount pHelp Font count - this is how many fonts are available format pHelp Font Technology - these font technologies are available to FontPower ATM+TTpe pHelp Font count - this is how many fonts are available fonts ClientFonts processDD processDD AllFonts sortText #scrollSelect Libraries getLibraryContent sortText #scrollSelect Caption [Current Group] 9bactivate vText vLibName svChangesMade fServerID fTextSel fServer fText AllFonts sortText #scrollSelect Libraries getLibraryContent sortText #scrollSelect Caption [Current Group] 9bactivate vText vLibName svChangesMade fServerID fTextSel fServer fText pDragAware 4 , pServerID V J pServerAware d pHelp Group window - this is where you assemble and edit groups rAllFonts rClientFonts rLightning Fonts AvantGarde,BOLD=d:\psfonts\pfm\agd_____.pfm,d:\psfonts\agd_____.pfb AvantGarde,BOLDITALIC=d:\psfonts\pfm\agdo____.pfm,d:\psfonts\agdo____.pfb AvantGarde,ITALIC=d:\psfonts\pfm\agti____.pfm,d:\psfonts\agti____.pfb AvantGarde=d:\psfonts\pfm\agt_____.pfm,d:\psfonts\agt_____.pfb Bookman,BOLD=d:\psfonts\pfm\bkd_____.pfm,d:\psfonts\bkd_____.pfb Bookman,BOLDITALIC=d:\psfonts\pfm\bkdi____.pfm,d:\psfonts\bkdi____.pfb Bookman,ITALIC=d:\psfonts\pfm\bkli____.pfm,d:\psfonts\bkli____.pfb Eras,BOLD=d:\psfonts\pfm\erasb.pfm,d:\psfonts\erasb.pfb Eras-Black,BOLD=d:\psfonts\pfm\erasblkb.pfm,d:\psfonts\erasblkb.pfb Eras-Light=d:\psfonts\pfm\eraselt.pfm,d:\psfonts\eraselt.pfb Eras-Medium,BOLD=d:\psfonts\pfm\erasmed.pfm,d:\psfonts\erasmed.pfb Eras-UltraBlk,BOLD=d:\psfonts\pfm\erasltra.pfm,d:\psfonts\erasltra.pfb Eras=d:\psfonts\pfm\eras.pfm,d:\psfonts\eras.pfb FrizQuadrata,BOLD=d:\psfonts\pfm\frquadb.pfm,d:\psfonts\frquadb.pfb FrizQuadrata=d:\psfonts\pfm\frquad.pfm,d:\psfonts\frquad.pfb Futura-Condensed=d:\psfonts\pfm\futura1.pfm,d:\psfonts\futura1.pfb Futura-CondensedExtraBold=d:\psfonts\pfm\futura2.pfm,d:\psfonts\futura2.pfb Futura-CondensedLight=d:\psfonts\pfm\futura3.pfm,d:\psfonts\futura3.pfb Futura=d:\psfonts\pfm\futura4.pfm,d:\psfonts\futura4.pfb Helvetica,BOLD=d:\psfonts\pfm\hvb_____.pfm,d:\psfonts\hvb_____.pfb Helvetica,BOLDITALIC=d:\psfonts\pfm\hvbo____.pfm,d:\psfonts\hvbo____.pfb Helvetica,ITALIC=d:\psfonts\pfm\hvo_____.pfm,d:\psfonts\hvo_____.pfb Helvetica-Black,BOLD=d:\psfonts\pfm\helvblak.pfm,d:\psfonts\helvblak.pfb Helvetica-Narrow,BOLDITALIC=d:\psfonts\pfm\hvnbo___.pfm,d:\psfonts\hvnbo___.pfb Helvetica-Narrow,ITALIC=d:\psfonts\pfm\hvno____.pfm,d:\psfonts\hvno____.pfb Helvetica-Narrow=d:\psfonts\pfm\hvn_____.pfm,d:\psfonts\hvn_____.pfb Helvetica=d:\psfonts\pfm\hv______.pfm,d:\psfonts\hv______.pfb NewCenturySchlbk,BOLD=d:\psfonts\pfm\ncb_____.pfm,d:\psfonts\ncb_____.pfb NewCenturySchlbk,BOLDITALIC=d:\psfonts\pfm\ncbi____.pfm,d:\psfonts\ncbi____.pfb NewCenturySchlbk,ITALIC=d:\psfonts\pfm\nci_____.pfm,d:\psfonts\nci_____.pfb NewCenturySchlbk=d:\psfonts\pfm\ncr_____.pfm,d:\psfonts\ncr_____.pfb Palatino,BOLD=d:\psfonts\pfm\pob_____.pfm,d:\psfonts\pob_____.pfb Palatino,BOLDITALIC=d:\psfonts\pfm\pobi____.pfm,d:\psfonts\pobi____.pfb Palatino,ITALIC=d:\psfonts\pfm\poi_____.pfm,d:\psfonts\poi_____.pfb Palatino=d:\psfonts\pfm\por_____.pfm,d:\psfonts\por_____.pfb Souvenir=d:\psfonts\pfm\souvenir.pfm,d:\psfonts\souvenir.pfb Univers-Black=d:\psfonts\pfm\unvrsblk.pfm,d:\psfonts\unvrsblk.pfb Univers-Light=d:\psfonts\pfm\univlite.pfm,d:\psfonts\univlite.pfb UniversCond,BOLD=d:\psfonts\pfm\uvcb____.pfm,d:\psfonts\uvcb____.pfb UniversCond,BOLDITALIC=d:\psfonts\pfm\uvcbo___.pfm,d:\psfonts\uvcbo___.pfb UniversCond,ITALIC=d:\psfonts\pfm\uvcdo___.pfm,d:\psfonts\uvcdo___.pfb UniversCond=d:\psfonts\pfm\uvc_____.pfm,d:\psfonts\uvc_____.pfb UniversCondLight,ITALIC=d:\psfonts\pfm\uvclo___.pfm,d:\psfonts\uvclo___.pfb UniversCondLight=d:\psfonts\pfm\uvcl____.pfm,d:\psfonts\uvcl____.pfb ZapfChancery,ITALIC=d:\psfonts\pfm\zcmi____.pfm,d:\psfonts\zcmi____.pfb ZapfDingbats=d:\psfonts\pfm\zd______.pfm,d:\psfonts\zd______.pfb rLibraries Libraries .pDragAware .pServerID .pServerAware /pdraggable 2/pHelp Group list - double-click on an item to open it [Current Group] CG Caption DoubleClick buttonDoubleClick process buttonDoubleClick [Current Group] Group Enter a name for this group: svCurrentGroup process response 9Group Enter a name for this group: svCurrentGroup process response 2pAssoc clientfonts 2pServerID 2pServerAware 2pdraggable 2pHelp Group Caption - double-click to change name, drag to group list to save Untitled Group Group Managerrrrrr fplogo 5:PHYSSIZE Disks doubleclick buttondoubleclick processDD buttondoubleclick processDD [Current Group] Caption ClientFonts complexCurrentGroup TBSortText copyList [Current Group] complexCurrentGroup copyList copyList getlibrarycontent [Current Group] complexCurrentGroup copyList copyList pAssoc i:to1 default vText svCurrentGroup fServerID fTextSel fServer fText Caption ClientFonts complexCurrentGroup TBSortText copyList [Current Group] complexCurrentGroup copyList copyList getlibrarycontent [Current Group] complexCurrentGroup copyList copyList pAssoc i:to1 default vText svCurrentGroup fServerID fTextSel fServer fText :>_> Registrationnnn organization Please personalize this copy of FontPower. buttonUp buttonUp cover person organization regdb enterpage cover person organization regdb enterpage Organization AllFontsHeading DpHelp All Fonts - all fonts available to FontPower All Fontss thermometer ProgressLine ttext Preparing...t list...eo a:\ askbox topic GroupTDE.PFM buttonUp buttonUp response response response pCall pCall cover send process to vCall vTrim ~`!@#$%^&*()_+|-=\{[}]:;"'?/>.<, Your entry contains nonalphanumeric characters. Please remove them. FontPower messageBox ftext vBitchAndMoan fText response pCall pCall cover send process to vCall vTrim ~`!@#$%^&*()_+|-=\{[}]:;"'?/>.<, Your entry contains nonalphanumeric characters. Please remove them. FontPower messageBox ftext vBitchAndMoan fText comment Enter a name for this group:rou 4PtQ] response keyDown keyDown pCall pCall cover send process to vCall SkeyDown pCall pCall cover send process to vCall QpHelp Disk caption - double-click to change name or drag to "All Fonts" to activate disk Fatso Group buttonUp buttonUp cover cover Cancel 2WB s rW? + FSHTt 0TTF s Drives bTpHelp Path - select a path from which to load fonts and groups ai4 ark bc bin brief cdb compress designer drw excel fewel fontog35 fontst fpfinal iec labels local mgxlibs phantom products pubpb refont sounds telix temp toolbook tools transfer typealgn vblaster wep windows winword winzip a:\ai4werts\fpower Select a pathname: buttonUp buttonUp diskcaption cover diskcaption cover chgdisk Please insert disk in driven drive a:\ive buttonUp buttonUp Cancel buttonUp buttonUp cover activatedb To make your changes active, you need to restart Windows. buttonUp buttonUp cover leaveBook restartWindows leaveBook restartWindows Restart Windows 8b:PHYSSIZE buttonUp buttonUp cover leaveBook endSession Fct`:fr leaveBook endSession Return to DOS d:PHYSSIZE buttonUp buttonUp cover svDirty cover svDirty Exit FontPower h:PHYSSIZE +P4rF pSortableFields AllFonts,Fonts activate processDD buttonDoubleClick processDD dtCaption Fonts addFontsFromDisk AllFonts 9bactivate server fServerID fTextSel fServer fText buttonDoubleClick acaption MZ FromDisk AllFonts 9bactivate server fServerID fTextSel fServer fText buttonDoubleClick acaption pHelp Replace - drag items here to replace existing fonts; double-click to change pDragAware processDD buttonDoubleClick processDD dtCaption Fonts addFontsFromDisk AllFonts 9bactivate server fServerID fTextSel fServer fText buttonDoubleClick acaption Replace addFontsFromDisk AllFonts 9bactivate server fServerID fTextSel fServer fText buttonDoubleClick acaption Replace pHelp Add - drag items here to add them to the existing fonts; double-click to change pDragAware Fonts processDD processDD AllFonts copyFonts o xlameUpdateList drives fServerID fTextSel fServer fText AllFonts copyFonts o xlameUpdateList drives fServerID fTextSel fServer fText pDiskID pServerID pServerAware pDragAware pdraggable pHelp Disk Fonts- fonts in this directory; drag items here to copy to current directory AllFonts pHelp All Fonts - drag items here to add them to FontPower, double-click for font info pDiskID pServerID pServerAware pDragAware pDraggable dtcaption DoubleClick buttonDoubleClick process buttonDoubleClick pDiskID Disks Enter a name for this disk pDiskID Disks Enter a name for this disk svClicks process response #Disks Enter a name for this disk pDiskID Disks Enter a name for this disk svClicks process response pDiskID pAssoc Fonts pServerID pServerAware pDraggable pHelp Disk Caption - double-click to change or drag to "All Fonts" to add these fonts pHelp Disk Fonts - fonts in this directory - drag items here to copy to this directory pHelp All fonts - all fonts available to FontPower All Fonts rFonts :PHYSSIZE Drives pHelp Path - double-click a path from which to load fonts . .. distrib H bin brief compress cpbackup drawings dt excel fontdisk fontog35 fontutil ghost japanese labels local macports phantom pm products pubpb rabbit ripterm seta sounds starwave telix temp toolbook tools transfer tt typealgn wep windows winedit winvideo winword winzip pHelp Pathname - this is the currently active pathname d:\products\fpower\share llist thermometer ProgressLine ttext Reading Fonts...onts to D:\PRODUCTS\FPOWER\REG\ H!P$N Local processDD buttonDoubleClick processDD copyToLocal copyToLocal pAssoc fServerID fTextSel fServer fText buttonDoubleClick onlinettf onlinepfm setCurrentDrive setCurrentDirectory o xlameUpdateList drives svTTAvail copyToLocal pAssoc fServerID fTextSel fServer fText buttonDoubleClick onlinettf onlinepfm setCurrentDrive setCurrentDirectory o xlameUpdateList drives svTTAvail p$d$pdragaware ~$pHelp Local - drag items here to copy them to your fonts directory; double-click to view BlackHole %pHelp Black Hole - drag items here to remove them %pDragAware acaption Addlacee Disk Managerrrrrrr chgdisk Please insert disk in driven drive A:\ive Nucleahe Test Fonts Disk buttonUp buttonUp Cancel buttonUp buttonUp activatedb To make your changes active, you need to restart Windows. buttonUp buttonUp cover leaveBook restartWindows leaveBook restartWindows Restart Windows /:PHYSSIZE buttonUp buttonUp cover leaveBook endSession leaveBook endSession Return to DOS .2:PHYSSIZE Exit FontPower F4:PHYSSIZE fontinfo topic Font Informationsss buttonUp buttonUp fresponse fresponse fresponse pCall pCall cover send process to vCall vTrim ftext fText fresponse fresponse pCall pCall cover send process to vCall vTrim ftext fText fresponse keyDown keyDown pCall pCall cover send process to vCall 7LkeyDown pCall pCall cover send process to vCall pHelp File - this is the filename of the font comics.pfm @HA0 e keyDown keyDown pCall pCall cover send process to vCall BkeyDown pCall pCall cover send process to vCall VApHelp Disk caption - double-click to change name or drag to "All Fonts" to activate disk Filena keyDown keyDown pCall pCall cover send process to vCall @XEkeyDown pCall pCall cover send process to vCall nCpHelp Where - this is the disk or directory in which the font resides Non-local directory keyDown keyDown pCall pCall cover send process to vCall IkeyDown pCall pCall cover send process to vCall EpHelp Disk caption - double-click to change name or drag to "All Fonts" to activate disk Where cover $ NG3 vG3 askbox topic Disksl.pfm m buttonUp buttonUp response response response pCall pCall cover send process to vCall vTrim ftext fText JXEdL response response pCall pCall cover send process to vCall vTrim ftext fText comment Enter a name for this disk::rou response keyDown keyDown pCall pCall cover send process to vCall keyDown pCall pCall cover send process to vCall LpHelp Disk caption - double-click to change name or drag to "All Fonts" to activate disk Fonts 1 B-C systemSetup systemSetup aboutFontPower enterPage leavePage aboutFontPower cover regdb enterPage CacheSize CacheSize System Setup leavePage System Setup enterPage CacheSize CacheSize System Setup leavePage System Setup Source pHelp Load source - this is the drive/directory from which FontPower loads disk fonts :PHYSSIZE CopyFonts pHelp Should be set to true and left that way Copy Fonts to Disks CopyGroups pHelp Inacrive in this version of FontPower. Copy Group Files to Disks FontPowerssssss Transient fonts FontPower Pathnames Load source dir pHelp Temporary files - this is where FontPower should put temporary files D:\temp Transient pHelp Transient fonts - this is the path where fonts are temporarily loaded from disks D:\temps Temporary files FontPower pHelp FontPower files - this is the path where FontPower stores its files d:\products\fpower\share buttonDoubleClick buttonDoubleClick acaption pHelp Disk Manager - double-click to go to the disk manager Disks Disks pHelp Disk Manager - double-click to go to the disk manager pDragAware buttonDoubleClick buttonDoubleClick diskcaption buttonUp buttonUp getDriveList getDirectoryList getCurrentDrive getCurrentDirectory sortText drives drives showModal vDirList vlist buttonUp getDriveList getDirectoryList getCurrentDrive getCurrentDirectory sortText drives drives showModal vDirList vlist pHelp Groups - double-click to go to the group manager Groups pHelp Groups - double-click to go to the group manager System Setup CopyToLocal buttonUp buttonUp pHelp Copy... - check if fonts should always be copied to the local directory Copy fonts to local buttonUp buttonUp cover activatedb To make your changes active, you need to restart Windows. buttonUp buttonUp cover leaveBook restartWindows leaveBook restartWindows Restart Windows :PHYSSIZE p $ 6 buttonUp buttonUp cover leaveBook endSession leaveBook endSession Return to DOS "!:PHYSSIZE buttonUp buttonUp cover svDirty cover svDirty Exit FontPower L$:PHYSSIZE Nodel buttonUp buttonUp "N'nUp &pHelp Don't Delete - check if inactive fonts should be left in the transient directory Don't delete transient fonts buttonUp buttonUp o\'$% o 87" OnlinePFM (pHelp Local fonts - this is the path where local ATM metric files are stored d:\local\pfmpfmad\coolstuf Online )pHelp Local fonts - this is the path where local ATM outlines are stored d:\localntsrnload\coolstuf Local PFB/TTFPFM) CacheSize 8+pHelp Font cache - use the arrows to change the size of ATM's font cache ResBmp buttonUp buttonUp .uttonUp -pHelp Resident Bitmap - check if resident bitmap fonts are to be used (when available) Use resident bitmap fonts buttonUp buttonUp K Font Cache buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown cachesize cachesize cachesize buttonstilldown cachesize cachesize cachesize buttonstilldown cachesize cachesize cachesize %$4(( buttondown buttonstilldown buttondown cachesize cachesize buttonstilldown cachesize cachesize buttonstilldown cachesize cachesize Local PFMts (PFM) ATMeeeeeeeee OnlineTTF 8pHelp Local fonts - this is the path where local TrueType fonts are stored d:\windows\system Local TTFFFFFPFM) AllFonts processDD processDD fserver Fonts Are you sure you want to delete these fonts? FontPower messageBox fserver fonts fileFromRec diskFromRec getCurrentPath massagePathname removeFile diskfromrec EkillLocalFont removeFile getCurrentPath massagePathname massageFilename removeFile getCurrentPath massagePathname massageFilename removeFile vFont default svNagMessages fServerID fTextSel fServer fText enterPage leavePage aboutFontPower addDisk nameDisk copyDiskToLocal aboutFontPower &Name Disk &Add Disk Copy disk to &local cover regdb enterPage fonts dtcaption getDriveList getDirectoryList getCurrentDrive getCurrentDirectory sortText drives drives fontList AllFonts getCurrentPath Disk Manager &Name Disk &Add Disk Copy disk to &local vDirList vlist leavePage 4saveFontList AllFonts Disk Manager default addDisk processDD dtcaption field id 146 of page id 1 AllFonts default nameDisk buttonDoubleClick dtCaption default copyDiskToLocal dtcaption (Local) copyToLocal fonts default ,]h/X quickInstall buildAllFonts systemSetup fatalExit editphelp showModal author showthermometer popthermometer HowToUseHelp setthermometer rebuildGroupTable initSystem copyToLocal makeTT FontPowerHelp makeATMIni activate registrationForm copyList copyFonts addFontsFromDisk enterBook copyError doHelp exitCopy pollForDisk SetStyle reconstructLocal DiskManager write walkFontTable leaveSystem initMenus endSession restartWindows linkDLLs saveGroupList leaveBook saveFontList GlobalFontList loadSBK SortAllFonts writeWinIni saveDiskList killLibrary GroupManager setLibraryContent killFontItem readFPIni killAllFonts clearATMAliasTags readATMIni clearTTAliasTags killLocalFont memAlloc bogusSetLibraryContent XfontFromRec sortText FileFromRec EatClicks FileFromRecPlus DiskFromRec getWinDir filter fontFilename getTTFile getCurrentPath groupList filename massageFilename getWinIniVar getDriveNum massagePathname fontList unMassagePathname getFreeDisk diskList getTagList ATMElement getWinTagList getPrivateINIVar getLibraryFile getTags fontFromATM getLibraryContent fileFromATM getFOTtag getTTtags TTElement clearFontItem clearATMFontItem FontFromRec CurrentGroup bogusFileFromRec enterBook wjlinkDLLs reader initMenus sizeToPage readFPIni setStyle h/loadSBK fop.fon addFontResource FontPower massagePathname fop.fon addFontResource Can't load font 'FOP.FON'. FontPower may be ugly. Start FontPower anyway? FontPower messageBox postMessage readATMIni fontpower unMassagePathname getWinDir ATM.INI fileExists svTTavail ATM+TT format getWinDir ATM.INI fileExists svTTavail format getWinDir ATM.INI fileExists svTTavail TrueType format FontPower version 1.0au (unregistered) 1993 Lightning Systems wm_lbuttondown newGroup sizetopage showThermometer Rebuilding group list... rebuildGroupTable getWinDir WIN.INI getWinDir WIN.fp copyFile getWinDir ATM.INI getWinDir ATM.fp copyFile Do you want FontPower to install your fonts? FontPower messageBox JbuildAllFonts svTTAvail svQuick svFresh svPath svStarted author leaveBook fop.fon removeFontResource writeWinIni FontPower massagePathname fphelp.hlp winHelp svHMem svPtrMem memAlloc globalAlloc globalLock svHMem svPtrMem initSystem fPath showmodal activatedb svDirty DiskManager default GroupManager default systemSetup default editphelp Set help property pHelp pHelp HowToUseHelp winHelp FontPowerHelp FontPower massagePathname fphelp.hlp winHelp registrationForm FontPower massagePathname fphelp.hlp winHelp doHelp Q`fontPowerHelp SetStyle getWindowLong hiword setWindowLong sizeToPage loWord hiWord style fValue initMenus FontPower &Group Manager FontPower &Disk Manager FontPower S&ystem Setup FontPower FontPower E&xit FontPower FontPower &Help F1 &Registration Form A&bout FontPower... linkDLLs kernel GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GlobalSize GlobalFree GlobalUnlock GetWindowsDirectory getDriveType getPrivateProfileString getPrivateProfileStringPtr getPrivateProfileString WritePrivatePtr WritePrivateProfileString WriteProfileString getWinIniVarS getProfileString getProfileString getPrivateProfileInt setWinIniVar WriteProfileString WritePrivateProfileString _lclose _lopen _lread ZmemAlloc getWindowlong setWindowlong ExitWindows postMessage sendMessage PeekMessage messagebox WinHelp FontPower FontPower getWinIniVar massagePathname fpower.dll getATMFontAttrib getATMFontName TBGlobalSortText TBSortText TBSortText getdirectorylist getFileList getVolumeLabel Could not load FPOWER.DLL. FontPower will not run. FontPower messageBox fatalExit tbkfile.dll setcurrentdirectory getcurrentdirectory getcurrentdrive getdrivelist getFileSize fileExists setcurrentdrive copyFile getDosEnvironmentString removeFile addFontResource removeFontResource CreateScalableFontResource CreateScalableFontResource vPath svSBKVersion svTTAvail getWinIniVar getWinIniVarS vString svPtrMem fHead sortText TBSortText fText loadSBK writeWinIni Not writing new setup Exit FontPower messageBox FontPower FontPower FontPower setWinIniVar FontPower setWinIniVar FontPower LocalTTF OnlineTTF setWinIniVar FontPower Source Source setWinIniVar FontPower Transient Transient setWinIniVar FontPower NoDel setWinIniVar FontPower CopyLocal setWinIniVar getWinDir ATM.INI fileExists Setup PFB_dir Online ATM.INI WritePrivateProfileString Setup PFM_dir OnlinePFM ATM.INI WritePrivateProfileString Settings FontCache CacheSize ATM.INI WritePrivateProfileString FontPower ResBmp setWinIniVar readFPIni FontPower FontPower getWinIniVar FontPower FontPower 'quickInstall FontPower getWinIniVar FontPower LocalTTF getWinIniVar OnlineTTF FontPower Source getWinIniVar Source FontPower Transient getWinIniVar Transient FontPower NoDel getWinIniVar FontPower ResBmp getWinIniVar FontPower CopyLocal getWinIniVar readATMIni Setup PFB_dir getPrivateIniVar Online Setup PFM_dir getPrivateIniVar OnlinePFM Settings FontCache getPrivateIniVar CacheSize quickInstall FontPower getCurrentPath FontPower h/loadSBK getDosEnvironmentString Enter the pathname that you want to use for temporary files: getDosEnvironmentString OnlineTTF getWinDir massagePathname SYSTEM Source Transient getWinDir ATM.INI fileExists CacheSize Settings FontCache getPrivateIniVar Online Setup PFB_Dir getPrivateIniVar OnlinePFM Setup PFM_Dir getPrivateINIVar Settings BitmapFonts getPrivateIniVar CacheSize Neither ATM nor TrueType are available. FontPower will not run. FontPower messageBox fatalExit Please read the documentation for more information on setting up FontPower. FontPower messageBox vATMAvail vTemp svTTAvail svQuick svFresh svPath buildAllFonts Allfonts AllFonts onlinepfm massagepathname *.PFM getFileList onlinepfm massagepathname onlinettf massagepathname *.TTF getFileList onlinettf massagepathname getFileList showThermometer Building All Fonts... popthermometer onlinepfm setCurrentPath onlinepfm massagePathname setThermometer getATMFontName AllFonts onlinettf setCurrentPath onlinettf setThermometer massagePathname ~FOPT031.TMP createScalableFontResource massagePathname ~FOPT031.TMP getFOTtag massagePathname ~FOPT031.TMP removeFile vfonts Allfonts AllFonts A;sortAllFonts 4saveFontList AllFonts popThermometer eatclicks default vFontName vLocal vTTFFileList vPath libnum vPFMFileList vFonts svPtrMem fatalExit showModal askbox topic comment response askbox pCall response response fCall fDefault fComment fTopic showModal cover cover showthermometer ttext svThermPosition ProgressLine thermometer svthermPosition svCount fName popthermometer thermometer ProgressLine cover svThermPosition setthermometer ProgressLine ProgressLine funits svCount fUnits getWinDir globalAlloc globalLock getWindowsDirectory massagePathname globalUnlock vhmem globalFree vPath vPtrMem vhMem rebuildGroupTable getCurrentPath [Current Group] FontPower massagepathname *.FPG getFileList setThermometer FontPower massagepathname Pjsavegrouplist setCurrentDirectory popThermometer vFile vGroups vGroupList vOldPath copyToLocal fileFromRec Online massagePathname fileExists onlineTTF onlinepfm massagepathname filename copyFile massageFilename Online massagePathname filename massageFilename copyFile default vPath vFile fList ATMElement massagePathname fontFromRec fileFromRec fileFromRec massageFilename vLocalPath fField TTElement massagePathname getWinDir SYSTEM\ fileFromRec massageFilename filename removeFile write vPath= write vFotFile= fileFromRec Couldn't create TrueType FOT file: fontFromRec (TrueType)= fileFromRec massagefilename filename write vRec= vFotFile vPath fField makeTT getTTTags Fonts getWinIniVar removeFontResource clearFontItem Fonts fontFromATM fileFromATM setWinIniVar fileFromATM addFontResource postMessage vTTFonts makeATMIni getWinDir ATM.INI fileExists Settings FontCache cachesize ATM.INI writePrivateProfileString Settings BitmapFonts ATM.INI writePrivateProfileString Setup PFM_dir onlinepfm ATM.INI writePrivateProfileString Setup PFB_dir online ATM.INI writePrivateProfileString Fonts getTagList clearATMFontItem Your changes will not take effect until you reboot Windows. FontPower messageBox Fonts fontFromATM fileFromATM ATM.INI writePrivateProfileString vTags vBmpFnts svDirty activate showThermometer Preparing... online massagePathname onlineTTF massagePathname onlinepfm massagePathname transient massagePathname source massagePathname *.TTF getFileList *.PFM getFileList getFileList *.TTF getFileList *.PFM getFileList getFileList fileFromRec transient ATMElement transient TTElement fileFromRec fontFromRec fileFromRec fileFromRec massageFilename onlineTTF TTelement diskFromRec fontFromRec fileFromRec fileFromRec massageFilename getWinDir massagePathname SYSTEM\ fileFromRec filename fontFromRec (TrueType) = removeFile fileFromRec Could not create file: for fileFromRec ; the original file may be bad. acaption massageFilename removeFile massageFilename removeFile removeFile thermometer popthermometer cover makeTT makeATMINI diskFromRec FontFromRec FileFromRec Loading fonts... ttext vload tbsortText diskList fileFromRec FileFromRecPlus diskFromRec xfontFromRec write write Please insert disk in drive pollForDisk Cancel popThermometer cover copyFile massageFilename massageFilename copyFile massageFilename massageFilename copyFile copyFile copyFile Please insert the disk containing ' ' in drive Cancel Cancel popThermometer cover massageFilename transient TTElement massageFilename onlinettf TTElement setThermometer popThermometer cover makeTT makeATMINI postMessage vNFont vError vCurrentDisk vDisk vFile vFont vDSKList vLoad default vFotFile vLocalQ vTransientQ vSourcePath vTransPath vPFMPath vTTFPath vLocalPath vCopyLocal vLoadQ vSaveQ vNewQ vATMQ vDiskName fList copyList copyFonts fGroup fList copyFonts online massagePathname onlinepfm massagePathname onlinettf massagePathname transient massagePathname diskcaption massagePathname write Disk path = getCurrentPath getCurrentPath massagePathname source massagePathname *.PFM getFileList *.TTF getFileList getFileList *.TTF getFileList getFileList *.PFM getFileList massagePathname fileFromRec fileFromRec diskFromRec cover showThermometer Preparing to load... diskFromRec FontFromRec FileFromRec Loading fonts... ttext vload tbsortText FileFromRecPlus diskFromRec xfontFromRec diskList Please insert disk in pollForDisk copyFile massageFilename massageFilename copyFile Please insert the disk containing ' ' in drive Cancel Cancel popThermometer cover setThermometer popThermometer getDriveNum getDriveType Please insert target disk in drive pollForDisk showThermometer Copying fonts to *.PF? getFileList *.TTF getFileList vtempq copyFile copyError removeFile setThermometer popthermometer cover showThermometer Copying online fonts to setThermometer fileFromRec fileFromRec vfile fileFromRec copyFile copyError fileFromRec fileFromRec massageFilename fileFromRec massageFilename copyFile setThermometer fileFromRec vfile vtransient fileFromRec copyFile massageFilename fileFromRec massageFilename copyFile fileFromRec fileFromRec filename copyFile filefromrec massageFilename massageFilename filename copyFile cover popthermometer vTempQ vCurrentDisk vDisk vFile vFont vLoad default vTempPath vLocalQ vTransientQ vTransient vLocal vSourcePath vDiskPath vTransPath vTTFPath vPFMPath vLocalPath vATMQ vNewQ vSaveQ vLoadQ vDirect vDiskName fFlag fList addFontsFromDisk transient massagePathname diskFromRec FileFromRec FileFromRec filename copyFile write diskFromRec fileFromRec massageFilename copyFile transient ATMElement fontFromRec fileFromRec fileFromRec massageFilename fontFromRec onlinepfm massagePathname fileFromRec onlinepfb massagePathname fileFromRec massageFilename transient TTElement TTElement local TTElement makeATMIni makeTT vDisk vATMQ vTransPath fFonts copyError Undetermined error copying: . Continue with the next file? exitCopy Couldn't open source: . Continue with the next file? exitCopy Error copying . The disk may be full. Continue with the next file? exitCopy fFile fError exitCopy cover popthermometer default EatClicks GlobalAlloc GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GlobalFree PeekMessage PeekMessage PeekMessage GlobalUnlock GlobalFree wFlags dwBytes lpMsg pollForDisk chgdisk showModal chgdisk pollfordisk chgdisk Cancel chgdisk cover popthermometer eatclicks cover default reconstructLocal write walkFontTable diskList fntdata.dmp allfonts name: allfonts fontFromRec file: allfonts fileFromRec dsk#: allfonts diskFromRec fntdata.dmp fntdata.dmp vDisk leaveSystem globalUnlock globalFree svHMem endSession exitWindows restartWindows leavePage exitWindows getTTFile filename getWinDir SYSTEM\ groupList \GRPDATA.FPD \GRPDATA.FPD \GRPDATA.FPD svPath saveGroupList \GRPDATA.FPD \GRPDATA.FPD \GRPDATA.FPD svPath fList fontList \FNTDATA.FPD \FNTDATA.FPD \FNTDATA.FPD svPath saveFontList \FNTDATA.FPD \FNTDATA.FPD \FNTDATA.FPD svPath fList GlobalFontList \FNTDATA.FPD _lopen _lread _lclose vhFile svHMem svPtrMem svPath SortAllFonts 4saveFontList allfonts AllFonts AllFonts Maintaining All Fonts... Allfonts j|globalFontList vCharCount tbglobalsorttext AllFonts AllFonts vCharcount vTextlines svPtrMem diskList \DSKDATA.FPD \DSKDATA.FPD \DSKDATA.FPD svPath saveDiskList \DSKDATA.FPD \DSKDATA.FPD \DSKDATA.FPD svPath fList getLibraryFile filename massageFilename filter vFile vFileOffset svPath fLibrary killLibrary getLibraryFile removeFile fLibrary getLibraryContent getLibraryFile vLibOut vFile fLibrary setLibraryContent getLibraryFile fileExists removeFile vFile fText fName fLibrary FontFromRec ffont ffont vFont vOffset fFont XfontFromRec ffont ffont vFont vOffset fFont FileFromRec ffont ffont vFile vOffset fFont FileFromRecPlus ffont ffont vFile vOffset fFont DiskFromRec ffont ffont vDisk vOffset fFont filter ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 FPGRPX.FPG vText fText fontFilename filter fileExists vFile vCopy svPath fLibraryName getCurrentPath getCurrentDrive getcurrentDrive getcurrentdirectory retVal filename fFile massageFilename ffont ffont vFile vExtOffset fFont getDriveNum vDrive fDrive massagePathname fPath unMassagePathname fPath getFreeDisk diskList vDiskList getTagList ATM.INI getPrivateProfileStringPtr vString vOffset vHiPtr svPtrMem fHead getWinTagList getProfileString vString vOffset svPtrMem fHead getPrivateINIVar ATM.INI getPrivateProfileString vString svPtrMem fHead getTags getTagList getPrivateIniVar vTags vTagList fHead fontFromATM vOffset fFont fileFromATM vOffset fFont getFOTtag vfotname vFOTname getTTtags Fonts getWinTagList (TrueType) vTags vTTags clearFontItem Fonts WriteProfileString clearATMFontItem Fonts ATM.INI writePrivatePtr killFontItem fontFromRec (TrueType) clearFontItem Your changes will not take effect until you reboot Windows. FontPower messageBox fontFromRec clearATMFontItem svDirty fItem killAllFonts Fonts getWinTagList (TrueType) clearFontItem Fonts getTagList clearATMFontItem Your changes will not take effect until you reboot Windows. FontPower messageBox vTags svDirty clearATMAliasTags Aliases getTagList Aliases writePrivatePtr Synonyms getTagList Synonyms writePrivatePtr vTags clearTTAliasTags FontSubstitutes getWinTagList FontSubstitutes writeProfileString vTags CurrentGroup Fonts getTagList getTTtags vTTTagList vTTTagList vTTTagList vElement vTagOffset vTTtagList vATMTagList vCurrentGroup killLocalFont OnlinePFM massagePathname removeFile Online massagePathname massageFilename removeFile OnlineTTF massagePathname removeFile fFont fType bogusFileFromRec ffont ffont vFile vOffset fFont bogusSetLibraryContent getLibraryFile fileExists removeFile vFile fText fName fLibrary processDD processDD Caption [Current Group] clientfonts f%killFontItem #scrollSelect fontcount AllFonts [Current Group] This operation will remove all ATM and/or TrueType fonts from the system. Continue? FontPower messageBox #killAllFonts killLibrary [Current Group] This operation will remove all ATM and/or TrueType fonts from the system. Continue? FontPower messageBox #killAllFonts pAssoc pAssoc pAssoc pFile i:by1 i:to1 fServerID fTextSel fServer fText updateList buttonUp lameUpdateList updateDrive buttonUp drives setCurrentDirectory xlameUpdateList updateList updateDrive vActText updateList setCurrentDirectory xlameUpdateList lameUpdateList getDriveList getDirectoryList getcurrentpath tbsortText drives drives vList drives vDirList vlist updateDrive setCurrentDrive xlameUpdateList fDrive getCurrentPath massagePathname retVal fPath groupman AddReplace newGroup aboutFontPower saveGroup nameGroup enterpage toggleAddReplace leavePage complexCurrentGroup complexCurrentGroup showThermometer Building font list... Fonts getTagList getTTtags vTTTagList Fonts getprivateIniVar setThermometer onlinePFM massagePathname filename vTTTagList vTTTagList vTTTagList Fonts vTTTagList getWinIniVar onlineTTF massagePathname filename fileExists vFOTFile getTTfile setThermometer onlineTTF massagePathname filename filename popThermometer default vFotFile vTagOffset vFile vElement vUnit vTTtagList vATMTagList vCurrentGroup aboutFontPower New Group Save Group Name Group cover regdb easteregg svEasterEgg toggleAddReplace activate acaption Replace activate acaption newGroup Save changes to this group? FontPower messageBox saveGroup caption Untitled Group clientFonts clientFonts svChangesMade saveGroup processDD caption field id 501 of page id 0 Libraries nameGroup buttonDoubleClick Caption enterpage fontList AllFonts groupList Libraries Libraries Libraries libraries libraries TBSortText [Current Group] Libraries [Current Group] Libraries AllFonts FontCount Group Manager Group &New Group Group &Save Group Group N&ame Group Group #scrollselect AllFonts regdb svStarted leavePage 4saveFontList AllFonts PjsaveGroupList Libraries Group Manager Group process "response" "Caption" processDD "", ,"",3 fText,fServer,fTextSel,fServerID 4svCurrentGroup --the special current up but renamed "clientfonts") <> 0 "Untitled ","Enter a complexCurrentGroup() TBSortText( default vFontFile fontFilename( setLibraryContent ( (pAssoc pFile TBsortText( ScrollSelect ( 4svTextline, svChangesMade, selectedtextlines vLibName $)-1 we're dirty, bring up a message box asking should --be saved messageBox( 8, "Save ?","FontPower",35) "6" --yes saveGroup "[ _] CG" "ClientFonts" currentGroup() G),1) scrollselect ( "You must have )least one ATM TrueType installed.",\ getLibraryContent( getLibraryFile( x"ok" showThermometer "Rebuilding table" rebuildgroupTable groupList() tbsorttext( processDD process buttonDoubleClick process response Caption processDD Caption processDD Caption clientfonts Caption [Current Group] Caption Untitled Group Caption Group Enter a name for this group: Caption Caption complexCurrentGroup clientfonts clientfonts clientfonts TBSortText clientfonts Caption fontFilename setLibraryContent pAssoc pAssoc pFile setLibraryContent pAssoc pFile pAssoc TBsortText #ScrollSelect vFontFile default svCurrentGroup fServerID fTextSel fServer fText 0 buttonDoubleClick caption [Current Group] caption Save changes to this group? FontPower messageBox saveGroup [Current Group] CG Caption [Current Group] ClientFonts currentGroup ClientFonts ClientFonts ClientFonts TBsortText clientfonts #scrollselect ClientFonts You must have at least one ATM or TrueType font installed. FontPower messageBox getLibraryContent sortText ClientFonts getLibraryFile ClientFonts pFile Caption clientfonts #scrollselect ClientFonts showThermometer Rebuilding group table rebuildgroupTable groupList tbsorttext clientfonts default vLibName svTextline svChangesMade svCurrentGroup fgvffx ffvffx fgwwx wxfgvfg xffxfgvfvf wffxffvfvf ffxffg ffxffvfxff vfgffxffvf ffwffvfxff xfgffwffv fxffxffv fwffxffx fgvff fgvffx ffvffx fgwwx wxfgvfg xffxfgvfvf wffxffvfvf ffxffg ffxffvfxff vfgffxffvf ffwffvfxff xfgffwffv fxffxffv fwffxffx fgvff fgvffx ffvffx fgwwx wxfgvfg xffxfgvfvf wffxffvfvf ffxffg ffxffvfxff vfgffxffvf ffwffvfxff xfgffwffv fxffxffv fwffxffx fgvff there. nfirm e Operatio nFAre you sure you fgvffx ffvffx fgwwx wxfgvfg xffxfgvfvf wffxffvfvf ffxffg ffxffvfxff vfgffxffvf ffwffvfxff xfgffwffv fxffxffv fwffxffx fgvff there. nfirm e Operatio nFAre you sure you* fpower1a.ico